CALLYFEST Daydreaming 2018

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Looking back at the First Annual Virtual Sunny California CBG & Root Music Festival February 2-4, 2018

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  • :-)

  • I remember you said it was roots music festival, which explained all the songs about plants, mandrake, potato, carrots and the like! I'm just hoping the music is more varied beyond plant roots this year...    Nice instrumental and video promo Richard! :)

  • Roy, it’s great to meet you! It’d be great to see you here, but don’t get laid off! We had a lot of fun horsing around last year, and it doesn’t seem like we learned a damned thing. So we have to do it again. A festival of the mind, no limits. And this is uppity CALLYFEST California high brow central ha! Deep fried lutefisk and jelly sandwiches, pickled mushrooms on a stick, seaweed jerky, and Gilroy, California world famous garlic ice cream. And big high voltage amps and HD big screens. The open mics showcase the very best of traditional CBGs, acoustic and plugged in blues and roots music. Hope you make it Roy!

  • I don’t know dang brown acid, living a sheltered innocent life, but this could explain two days on nude beach fully dressed seeming likely was  five minutes. Thanks Pick, for your virtual contributions to this Nation member Festival. 

  • Uncle, there  are three official Keystone Ice concession booths that will be positioned at all three ends of the beach. And as per your instructions, you have the exclusive concession rights to beverage distribution. 

  • BrainQ, you know Uncle isn’t selling ice only when it’ll be in the low to mid sixties here. Disc Golf and beer, who would have figured! One 18 hole course last year. This year 3 six hole courses. Seems no one made it to the fifth hole. Looking forward to meeting you Brian, I’ll buy a round on the first hole. Thanks!

  • Uncle must have enjoyed the bean sandwich. You guys driving and making it real. I virtually remembered virtual things in these  pictures, it was great so many members contributed their adventures. Good time to be on a trip, I hear your leaving-20 in Minnesota. I’m still finding seaweed in places they shouldn’t be also. Thank you very much Dave, enjoy your trip.

  • Looks like fun!  If I can get laid-off in time, I'm coming.  

    Keystone and sardine sushi...them folks in Cali sure are uppity!

  • Thank you very much Jim! Really looking forward to meeting you on the beach! I see you’ve selected some outstanding songs, I’ll be listening. Watch out for the sardine  sushi !

  • Ahhh, Nancy you remembered Mission Impossible : rescue Uncle John from jail! Ha, those were the days! Keep the cats ready, the boys are heading To Mississippi for blues shows and  chicanery . Carmel beach is very inviting, beautiful sand and views. You can see the Pebble Beach Golf Course where the Pro/Am Golf Tournament will be starting up the following weekend after the fest! Hope very much to meet you this time around, thanks Nancy!

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