Butterflies & Zebra's (a tribute) A.D.Eker 2018

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Lozing a Friend to the Big K .In memory of a good friend, who past away, this one is for you CWW. Be Seeing you S.F.L. 1952-2018 @SJP:holland 2018.

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  • Excellent smoking playing Andries. Emotional and raw and sorry for your loss. 

  • Woeaa!! Nice One Nancy im spankeld all over ,sounds like a Hendrix tune? or is it the National anthem? i have peace whit it , the way the famely say's goodbey was verry moving and simple in a way ,the more you have these ceremonies the more you think about your own and at first  you tend to think from your own perspectif, but you realy need to look from the perspectif of the ones that are left behind, and have to deal whit all the situations afterwarths, and you think why make a list of what you want, and dictate it over death? funny when you.see it that way Thanks be reading you Greeeeettssszzz A.D.

  • Will do Richard,Just let me now, we Will get some ZZ going Down Take your time! im a pensioner now so ill beter take my time , not realy my style but !and whit every time you do something you learn willingly or unwillingly, but i hate repeating my self to much,  thanks for the reaction keep up the good work ! Cally Man !

  • 306704032?profile=originalNice one Andries sending it out to the stars........Mew^..^

  • Ha, my cheap Chinese Gibson is still screaming to get out of the box. Stained and finished, a few drilled holes for bridge and backstop. You’ve motivated me to finish it my friend, can’t play a guitar in pieces! Maybe we’ll do a cheap Chinese guitar collab, that’d be fun now that I can keep your original track in stereo, finally have an interface that works super. Forgot to mention your video work in this one was excellent, very moving! Glad you have an app that’s up to your challenge.

  • Thanks Richard! the reaper we can handle ,but the big K is something else, Yep black Cat and All ! from other times i know that when the emotin cup runnet over you got to grab the old sixer,and plug in !jup he did like that we had some good times! china Rules ,is your ready yet?

  • A very fine tribute A.D! Sorry about your loss. That  miserable grim reaper following everyone around, butterflies and zebras not exempted. All bones at the journeys end! Pouring you soul into music, your friend would like that. Chinese guitar sounds great, and lives on.

  • It sure does, he was one year older then me, been his knobman whit two bands, he leaves a wife ,sun and daughter, a englishman in holland, he use to cut my hair in the rock& Roll day's, great story's, good memories! a shame ! to soon The Big K is a nasty disease!, taken many a friend by now! ah

    live goes On ! be reading you ! greeeeettsszzz A.D.

  • Cool boppin beat and neat images.   Sorry for the loss of your friend.  Cancer sucks.

  • 306705134?profile=original

    Top of the Morning to you all, Have a nice One! Picture of the Chickens soon Bones! thanks for the Comments ! Greeeeeettssszzz On ye !A.D.

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