BCB Lace Pick-Up SoundSample 2022

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At last the BCB Maduro gets his LACE Alumtone Pickup ,this is a soundsample the BCB Box Clean , Electric , whit Fuzz , Delay, & WHA WHA,and the Cigarbox ...

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  • Yup agree ! if you can get it in there ,and it works, then who cares ! but some of us do things for estetics and some for building frenzy ,who fits the shoe wear it !  simply i agree they are way to deer,

    and i believe they can be produced way cheaper but building a small factory and doing so is a diferent story! Thanks for the comments Kale ! appriciated !

  • I did think so UJ ! 

  • Those Lace Matchbook pickups sound great. Unfortunately, they cost more than 2 CBGs. LOL. Ironically, the very first CBG I ever built has one of these pickups. I was new to building and so I was looking for a pickup designed for CBG. Since then I figured out you can use pretty much any pickup.

  • I do like reverb and especially like delay!

  • i see what you mean Alan ,but i was not talking $ or cents, but sound and i agree whit you directly, but esteticly they look way better than a bucker,some how you allways get that SteamPunk Look if you use one,not that i dont like that but its not all ways what you like to portrey ,if you get my drift! thanks for the kind comments ! appriciated ! 

  • "Lovely Build Andres", the Lace Pickup looks and sounds pretty good, but for $155AUD, I think I'll Stick with the $17.41AUD Gitty Buckers, purely my opinion only!  :-)

  • Thanks UJ ! yup i thougt so to,  it takes some efford but it produces a clean and crispy sound ,allthow i have a tubes amp hardly any buzz ,it does feedback but only controled,  still a pitty your no effects kind off guy, i mean reverb and echo are a musitian best friends !!

  • Look, Mom, no wires!  Oh, that Lace sounds good with no effects.   Hunh.   Interesting, all of it.  I liked it best no effects.  

  • Whell here it is thanks for being patience whit me , talking persefairance ,two years to get the pickup ,then a fjew months because the recording gear got broken ! but a Man's word  is a man's word ,so here it is !!

    do enjoy ! and see and hear what the Lace cigarbox pick up can mean for your Build !! Greeeeettssszz A.D.!10038786688?profile=RESIZE_710x

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