Backslider 4 String Fretless

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New build test drive. Pine body, Spruce top, Mahogany neck and binding, Walnut fretboard. Wilkinson pickup. Tuning DGBD. Unplugged, clean and dirty channels.

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  • Thanks AGP. Kind of a departure from my regular builds.

  • "WOW"

  • Thanks Derek. Kind of a venture into unknown waters for me. I have pretty much always built electric CBGs and relied on the pickups for sound.

  • Nice big box Milt, with excellent sound both ways!

  • Thanks Richard. We all know its tough to get good acoustic sound from these guitars. I made the top thin, and the body big, I'm satisfied with it.

  • When I read unplugged on the first part, I had to check! Super tone and acoustic power. Three great samples of your cookin on a Saturday night Milt, really enjoyed it! Tempting guitar for sure.
  • Thanks Erasmo. No beer belly here but I don't know why.

  • Thanks John. The guitar has standard white dot markers on the side. I do have a head, but I think the guitar is more important than my old face.

  • Super nice big build.  I kind of like the bare fingerboard.  I assume you have some good side markers.  Nice playing by the headless Haselmire.  

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