TO BAD! ITS FUTILE ofcourse i know but sometimes you wonder why the stuff you needed at the time is now 4/ to 5/ times cheaper and better qualety? at least now i enjoy it more ! all the Best in the new Year Milt !!
Its my regal Milt,its american made, put in a new hot plate whit pickup reinforced the innercone sadel change the tuners, neck and body is superbe but it was costly at the time some 30 years ago, one of my fav, to play cose of the low range, thanks for the comment Milt 1 be reading Ye ! greeeeeettsszz A.D.
Yep Got 5 vingers on every Hand! they all like to go for a walk now and then! Thanks Milt!
Thanks Milt ! Allways Appriciate Your Likes ! Glad you liked it ! thats why we send them, greeeeettssszz A.D.
TO BAD! ITS FUTILE ofcourse i know but sometimes you wonder why the stuff you needed at the time is now 4/ to 5/ times cheaper and better qualety? at least now i enjoy it more ! all the Best in the new Year Milt !!
That my Friend is why we are gathered Here On the Nation! good one on You! thanks for the reply ! Greeeeettsszz A.D.
Come think of it you build some fine looking backslider Guitars there Milt!!
You just go right ahead no body is stopping you !! have one on me !! Cheeers!
Its my regal Milt,its american made, put in a new hot plate whit pickup reinforced the innercone sadel change the tuners, neck and body is superbe but it was costly at the time some 30 years ago, one of my fav, to play cose of the low range, thanks for the comment Milt 1 be reading Ye ! greeeeeettsszz A.D.