Another video about improvising

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  • Hi Andries

    It's tuned to GDg. I didn't build the guitar and don't care too much for details except what it sounds like but if I ever find my tape measure I'll measure it. The dots are just there to help folks see where I'm going, they're in the same position as the usual dot markers 3 5 7 9 12, no particular code to the colours (the one that looks like a hole in my guitar is green, I should change that)

    As for the picking I deliberately don't go into that because I don't want you to just copy what I'm doing, that's not improvising. Instead it's about trying out a few new concepts and doing your own thing, I think I mention rolling with it in the video. Pick it any way you like. If that's an issue, and I can see that it will be for some, then maybe more technical practice is needed before attempting stuff like this. Give it a go though.

  • How about Tuning on the 3 string? whats the color dot code? whats the Neck scale? Just for those who dont Know! thats all!  carry ON great stuff!!  Thumb pick and stumming maybee needs exsplaining to. Greeeettssszzz        

  • Thanks Patrick.  Just watching again - this time without a guitar in my hand!  I'll go pick up a guitar now and focus more on the 2.  Great tips there.

  • Thanks again, folks. And Eric thankyou for posting that video. That's exactly the idea, announce a groove, stick with it and build from there. Awesome.

  • Patrick - great lesson!  I'm going to dig in deeper - thanks for such great help!

  • Thanks Patrick. It's only 15 seconds, but I'm working on it.
  • Cheers Jim. I'm using a Fender Supersonic amp with a little gain and reverb and a McTrustry 3 string with a Juju pickup in it.

  • Great lesson Patrick! Yeah, the gaps and spaces are real important. Not playing in some of the right places makes the music breathe. Great tone on the guitar too btw!

  • Cheers Gentlemen

    Uncle John, I get what you mean. It's easy to just say ' be yourself' but how many of us even know what that is? As far as the playing side goes though i guess it's down to practice and what you practice.

  • Patrick, that is a mighty sound.   Good lesson.  


    I seem to be mired in doing what I do.  Pretty simple accompaniment.   Love what your doing, 'but my head don't seem to work that way.'    I wish it did.  And maybe I should be happy in what I do, having not started until pretty far along in life.

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