All Posts (1994)

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Tobacco Tin II

Some folks wanted to hear what the Tobacco Tin guitar sounded like, so I thought I would put up a sound byte. It's got a nice quasi-banjo-tinny sound that is really quite unique. Please be kind on the stringmanship. I am still trying to find the sweet spots for chord/pitch changes on the neck, plus I'm no Shane Speal. Give it a listen if you dare!





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Tobacco Tin Masterpiece

I finally got the chance to meet Al of "The Factory Throwouts" along with Shane Speal at the First Dispensing Co. last night. It was Al's idea to start the contest for the Tobacco Tin guitar and I was the lucky one (though I still can't believe it) to win it. It has a nice tinny sound (go figure), a handy way of hanging it up (using the tailpiece) and a cool Indian-head penny inlay in the neck. Here are some pics.




9353739654?profile=originalAll in all, a masterpiece of ingenuity made in the good old USA. Al makes CBGs all the time and they need to be played and enjoyed. Thanks for the kind donation, Al. Thanks Shane for moderating, organizing and generally keeping the wheels on the cart for the Cigar Box Nation.



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MoJo - The word is such a short simple word, yet it could possibly be the most powerful word that is used in the world of music today. So powerful in fact that I have seen it completely render men blind. So blind that they end up purchasing a raunchy, beat to hell guitar that sounds like crap for thousands of dollars.  All due to an ad that explains all the MoJo that the guitar possesses.  I can't deny it's power, just writing about it makes me want to go play. O.K. I'm back after a 30 minute (no crap) playing session on my cbg, that by the waY is full of MoJo (opps, there it is again). But still I have to ask myself what does it really mean? I've heard it spoken by every musician I've ever known, but never have I heard it explained. I'm sure everyone has a different theory of it's meaningl. That's why I am starting this blog, in hopes of hearing what people Believe, or what it means to them.  From beginners to the old pro's, everyone should have an idea as to what MoJo really is. Guess I'll go ahead and throw my own two cents in as well. My thoughts on MoJo and what it meand to me.  Well it's a certain mystical almost magical power that certain guitars have and use to control the player in different ways.  Some have the power to make the player want to play loud, this MoJo is great for the player but bad for everyone else.  This MoJo causes divorces, arrest, arguments with neighbors, all out fist fights and prematurely blown amps. Oh yeah, and hearing loss. Another type of MoJo is "Drawing MoJo", this guitar has the power to draw you to its self almost everytime you play.  It can pull you in, through a maze of  guitars lined up down a wall.The next is "lost time MoJo", this is one that I have just recently named.  It's the guitar you play in which a couple hrs passes as as you play, it's kinda like you slip off into some type of trance. Then someone comes in screaming about all the things you haven't got done for the last two hrs. You scratch your head and say "wow that's weird, seems like I have only been in here a few minutes. You then look at the clock just to make sure, yep your crazy!  The next MoJo I've recognized is the "creative MoJo" , guitar's with this MoJo just seem to teach you new tunes effortlessly.  This may noT be your favorite sounding guitar but when you play it you notice you start catchin' all sort of crazy cool tunes.  The last MoJo I have positively identified is" long winded MoJo", this guitar makes you want to play for long periods of time, stop shortly and then continue. This MoJo results in more injuuries possibly than any other.  Anything from blister, to numbing of the hands and arms to outright bleeding fingers.   Is MoJo real, fact or fiction, is it just an illusion or re-occurring coincidence. As for me I believe, however I do have insight.  I build and sell guitars for a living so I get to play quite a few different guitars, I notice certain little things about them.  I don't mention it when the guitar sells, but somewhere down the line you to to the new owner and they tell you what they like about the guitar.  Then I go back in my mind and think "wow, that's crazy! That's the same way the guitar did me". So anyone out there with any type of knowledge on MoJo, where comes from or why it is what it is. Please help me explain and perhaps identify some different types that I have left out.  Yeah it's Cool, it's Crazy, IT'S MOJO!
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People Can Suck Sometimes

Could pretty much leave it there - but I shall go on...


Yesterday my brother comes home.  There is a woman at the end of our road (we are a little hidden off the main road).  Trunk is open and she has a box.  Knowing our street is a "pet dumping ground" my brother goes over and warns her the area as not safe to be walking in as people "releave" themselves in there (also true... sad isn't it).


She explains she is a paramedic working in the city and found a rabbit.  Put her box back and left.


Score one for stopping something.


Family comes home tonight -- rabbit at the end of our road !


Of course the vets don't help, and we already care for a family of ferral cats (which would easier welcome the rabbit for dinner.)


Thankfully our neighbor is very outdoorsy and an animal lover.  They also are now trying to catch the little kritter, and if they don't keep it, they have a friend with rabbits.


So, I guess they not only suck, but are capable of compassion.


Jury is still out (grin).



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String Crazy and Postal Waits

Ever feel the cosmos conspires against you ?


Well, at least a few salespeople and Canada post.


Now on strike.  Oh man.  And I still have thin wood and string to buy before I can start building.


On a positive note - my how-to book arrived after 2 months and a paypal refund (yes, I repaid him) -- unfortunately, everyone in here already answered all the info covered in the book pretty much, haha.


Ok,  on a real positive note.................................................................................................


Oh, here's one.... The kind experience of a few regulars in here just saved me from overloading on Mando strings when I really needed just regular guitar strings !!  Thanks.  Ready to order, as soon as China wakes up.


Well, that it for now.  Oh, just scored a Picture Frame Cinch Clamp (you know the kind with 4 corners and a wide flat cord that cinches tight?) on sale $5.99.


Find a band saw and I'm laughing !


Pie is in the oven and so is my chicken burger (well, mostly chicken anyway) so gotta run,


Getting Close !


Go Canucks !


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My name is Eric and I have a problem.

I'm addicted to tobacco.  Helplessly and hopelessly addicted.  No end in sight and I'm not even ashamed.


A morning coffee run with the wife was slyly detoured to the local tobacconist and, oh gee, I just happened to have my 2nd guitar and Diddley Bow with me.  How did they get in the car?


As I was stacking up boxes to buy from the cart in front of the store, my wife says "Really?  10 boxes today?"  I settled for 6.  I'm trying to cut down.  Really, I quit at the end of every day.


Stepping inside the shop with boxes and instruments in hand, I was greeted by a smiling shop employee.  I set down my new acquisitions and a shop customer asked me to play a little bit on the guitar.  A little slow blues and some Bad To The Bone got the expected result and inquiries about construction, a little history, etc.  What an awesome start to a sunny Friday morning.


As planned, I offered my Diddley Bow for the shop to keep and display.  I was asked to sign the back and leave my contact info for the shop owner.  I'm not really interested in building many guitars, but I would like to have some return so I can buy tuning machines and strings without dipping into what my wife lets me keep from the paycheck.


So, yeah, back to the point.  I'm addicted.  Right now, I have no less than 20 cigar boxes of various sizes and construction.  I've built two guitars and two Diddley bows with another guitar in progress.  I play my 3-string guitar intermittently throughout the mornings and evenings when I'm home, even strumming a little while cooking the family dinner.  I keep a browser tab open to CBN almost all day at the office.  News of Seasick Steve on XM Underground Garage makes me want to pull the car over and listen.  I'm helplessly and hopelessly addicted.


There oughta be a warning posted on the boxes.



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Thirsk Guitar Show

A very long day...up at 3.45am...load up the car and on the road for 5.15am and a 150 mile drive to Yorkshire. I love being on the road that time of a morning...quiet roads, and seeing in the start of the day, even if it's a misty drizzley one.


It was nice to see some old friends and meet some new customers....I had another good day for sales, and some great guitar shop wants to stock some of my stuff, another wants a custom guitar with their logo on it, I  found a great source for custom cases for my top-end guitars, and looks like I've got a biker rally gig on the strength of demo-ing my guitars.



These events are hard work on your own (at the last two my wife helped out) ...breaking down the stand, packing the gear into the car are really tiring after a long day...but walking out of the hall into the sushine with a fresh wind in your face and a wallet full of hard-earned notes makes it easier to face the long haul back. I dropped in at my parents in Barnsley on the way back for dinner a well earned break! Pendle Guitar Festival this coming weekend, so no time off, as I've got to get re-stocked for what will hopefully be another busy event. If you are around, do drop in and say hello..I may have Home Grown Music Collective shirts on sale!!!.



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Ok, first an introduction since few here really know me.

I am a huge music fan. I loved to go to concerts when I was younger (I think it was 1970 something......) And I still really enjoy taking in a good live performance.

I am interested in and study the evolution of American music, and find the story that comes together with the melting of folk, country, cowboy, delta and peidmont blues fascinating. The effects of immigration, migration, cultures, war and stand out performers intrigues me.

Ok, so I am already digressing.

Yesterday I went to an "event" billed as a blues festival. Now I accept and understand this probably means southern rock, country rock, whatever. It was after all a "motorcyclist" centric event anyway. Five bands listed, no schedule, little description, go check it out right?

The steady flow of traffic into the site early meant it was going to be a big gathering. Now theres this caveat. I have grown to hate crowds, people can be so stupid. And in that area I wasnt let down. But I came for some music, I am determined to hang in there.

As we got some lunch the first band started. They were very talented, played tight and I was excited to see a harp player accompanying a guy on guitar and whats that? A slide on his left hand! My heart races, this might be good!

But wait, somethings wrong here. Most of the people who had gathered in that area seemed to be wandering off. I felt the overwhelming urge to move on myself. This band, or the sound crew running the PA anyway, seemed to think they were playing to an arena of 15 thousand instead of a parking lot of under 100 casual onlookers. I mean the legendary Kiss wall of speakers could not possibly have been this loud! I am talking Painful! I walked off to the other end of the event and surprise, the majority of people were hanging out there already. HERES YOUR SIGN!

I used to do some sound support jobs years ago and learned then its hard to fill a small club with a good mix, and drummers frequently pound too hard, and bass players cant hear themselves 'cause they are too close to the amp, and probably half deaf, and tube guitar amps sound best cranked up too loud, and so forth. But this was a whole new level of stupid. I couldnt even stay for one full song no matter how bad I wanted to. Oh and by the way I have some significant hearing loss as well myself from a lifetime of work and recreation related noise levels, and simply my age.

So this re-raised some pet peaves of mine.

When did every band feel the need to become a jam band performing songs that seem to go on and on for an eternity? I liked it better in the days of 45's (and before that 78's) when it was mandatory for a song to be presented in under 3 minutes or so. Do your thing, got it done and do another man! Every song cant be a grand finale or some kind of rock opera!

Then theres the trend of putting 7 guitars on stage trying to out pose each other. 2 can be one too many some of the time, more than 2 and you risk losing any tasteful attempt at composition.

And guitar leads? Now I truly appreciate a show of mastery of the fretboard. But sometimes its a matter of taste, show your stuff and get back to the hook!

Hint, if you are playing some shrill notes on frets 18 through 22 for what seems like........ the time it should take to play the whole song..............

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first cbg

Built my first cbg. Still have some refinement to do to get some bugs out. Now I will need to learn how to play it. Enjoyed building the cbg and looking to do a better job on the next one. It's been fun.
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A good day at North West Guitar Show

Last weekend I had a good day at Haydock Park, taking my store on the road to The North West Guitar Show...even got quoted in Music Instrument Professional....blimey...!!!


It was great to meet a few people that I'd only exchanged emails with, and some existing customers... "TexMexy" Kev was there to collect another custom guitar from me. There's always lots of interest round my stand, and it's so pleasing seeing people experience my instruments for the first time. People are genuinely shocked and delighted at the sound  you can get from a cigar box guitar or a diddley bow, and amazed at how playable they are. Cigar box guitars certainly seem to raise more smiles and get feet tapping more than someone shredding to the max on some ridiculously pimped-up big name guitar.


Business was good, and it's certainly helped make up for the fact that I got seriously stiffed by Guitar Nation, after they cancelled the Birmingham NEC show due to be held earlier this month. Seems like they owe money to a lot of people, ranging from cottage industries like myself right up to the NEC ...unfortunately I know I'll be right at the end of the line for a non-existent payout.  Just got to move on, but it really hacks me off they way some people do business.



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About me

I played in a early 80's punk rock band called Violent Apathy (Featured in the book "Why Be Something That Your Not" available from Amazon etc.) Later I played in post punk bands Manalive, House Of Sorrow and the grunge band Black Spring. Violent apathy vids are on youtube. We recently did a reunion tour. I am into all music from country to metal. The cigar box thing is a current passion. I also have banjo's, Mandolins, strumsticks, upright bass, theremin, all kinds of goodies. I love music. I own a brewery and have live music there on weekends. I currently play in a band called The Hackneyed Quips, a garagey jazzish band, tracks can be heard at
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Can't Be The Blues

I have sat down and really, really tried to write some old-timey blues lyrics and I find it difficult.  After this weekend, it won't be possible for a long time, I'm afraid.


On Saturday night, I made the committment that my new hobby would be self-funding and not-for-profit.  At least, I don't want it to be the sink hole that my other pastimes have been.  Namely R/C cars, offroad wheeling in my Jeep and restoring a 1947 Willys CJ-2A.  I sold the Wrangler so that sorted itself out, but I built a barn for the Willys, so that has a deep hole to climb out of.


The turning point for CBGs was when I finished my first Diddly Bow on Saturday evening.  I'm still crap at playing this thing, but it was a ton of fun to conceive, plan and build.  So I'm going to give it a shot at selling a couple to fund building my own guitars, and whatever whiz-bangs and whirly-gigs I want to add to the collection.


I stopped at the local tobacconist and showed him the Diddly Bow.  He was very happy to see it and even though he is a guitar player, he wouldn't do much with it.  Makes me sound like a pro.  Anyway, I stacked up 6 new boxes on the counter and he rang me out for $11.  I skipped though the pouring rain all the way out to my car.


So I'm stoked up crazy high as a kite.  Where do the blues come from when you're this happy?  Hahaha.


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   I want to thank all of those in the CBG community who have taught me, supported me, learned from me... and especially been my customers.

   I know there has been a lot of talk about me and my Back Porch Mojo of late, and I just want to take a moment to clear up some of the facts and fiction.  I have basically stopped building at this time. For better than a year I have suffered from some really nasty tendonitis in my right elbow and shoulder. these were the perils of being an everyday builder!! I tried everything to combat it from physical therapy twice a week for almost 9 months, to mulitple cortizone injections, anti-implamitory medicines, everything!!  Back at the end of February I was given 2 choices, having surgery and be sidelined for 4-6 months, or stop building. neither choice a good one. I made my living and supported my family with Cigar Box Guitars!! and either choice left me with the realization I would have to stop doing what I loved.  so I kept building and began looking for other employment. much to my suprise I stepped right into a great gig, not as sexy as CBG"S but it was the vehicle to take care of my family.

   One problem solved I found a way to support the family, but it involved me being away from home all week leaving only the weekends to do the good work. I quickly fell behind. so down to facts and fiction.  I do owe some good folks some guitars. and while I know a few have been vocal here on the nation about being forgotten about, nothing is further from the truth. I am brutally aware of what is owed and to who, and it will be made right!!! I sold over 500 guitars  as numbered Back Porch Mojo creations and several hundred more basic creations in a little more than 4 years of time. I also have sold thousands of parts orders and hundreds of guitar kits in my time. My only goal in any of it was to spread the Joy and fun of CBG's.  Now this is not an excuse for those who fell victim to my health and the timing of my transition from a day to day CBG builder to the working world.

   I have as time allowed been trying to make contact with those folks who I have let down. I have asked them for the understanding of the situation I am in now with such a limited time frame. I have devoted the past few years to making folks CBG happy, and will do my best to resolve the issues I have with these folks.

   Lastly Thanks to all of you who have been there to support me, to defend me, and be friends of not only me but of my passion. My time as a regular CBG are for the time being over, but Big Daddy will be around, and there will be from time to time some new mojo out there.



Darren "Big Daddy"

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Sourcing Cigar Boxes

Stringent anti-smoking laws in Ireland wont allow shops to display  cigars, the boxes are cosigned to back rooms. Tobacconists are virtually extinct so it is hard to find a shop that might  have a few boxes waiting to be skipped.


I was lucky enoughh to get a  few boxes from the Decent Cigar Empirium in Dublin, at the top end of  Grafton Strret. Anyone visiting Dublin should head in, you might not get a Cigar Box from  them, but boy what a place, smells of Cuban coffee and tobacco and they play Hispanic music on their CD machine.


Anyone know of a good source iof cigar boxes in the UK? And , is it cheating to make your own?






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Hey everyone (anyone who might be reading),


Loving this CBNation site !


I'm a terribly musically challenged individual.  You could set me out in the wilderness and although I could find a way to make a knife, build a hut, tell me my supper depended on contributing something musical and I guess I'd starve.


Thank goodness I discovered the 3 String instruments. 


I currently have a very pretty (I mean manly) 3 String Stick Dulcimer and am amazed I am figuring some stuff on it.  I ordered a double Piezo pickup to wire it (ok, it's a presoldered harness with the plug in).


It then crossed my mind, whilst trying to learn the little beast, I'd love to make them (see note above about being able to build stuff).


Then I had to go and find these Cigar Box babies !  confusion now ensues because of the two fret styles (simplified or full fret).  Luckily I see BOTH are being made and am encouraged to build a CB Strummer.


After hounding the board with a few questions.... I FOUND A FEW CIGAR BOXES !!!  after a day of traveling !


They are smaller, like 5-6 inch x 8 inch,  and 7 inch x 9 or so.  But hey, a strummer only needs a small box -- and I just might take the piezo setup for the box instead !


--So, not only is there a terrible selection of boxes in my area, but there are no part supplies.  So, afraid it's going to be an Order Everything job.  Nice exotic woods are available for necks (I know this cuz I use them to build my custom knives... or I did), and if I build my own non-CB strummer -- so that's something.


Well, before this degrades into verbal diarrhea, I will cut it off with just a big ...


THANKS TO CB NATION and hope to update this as I move along in my musical endeavors.


In Christ,


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