Boxes (3)

Murdoc_420's Progress

 Guess this is the best place to start a progress thread so here we go.

 I've been wanting to build a CBG for quite awhile now, past attempts to find boxes were futile but I now have found a box supplier near me :D

 I found this selection of boxes, found  this site of course and started watching tutorials on You Tube.

(I was hoping to find one cool box and walked out with 7, yikes!)



 Going to start with the Hoyo de Monterrey and have almost everything I need to follow Unstrung13's tutorial. Hopefully I'll be on that within a few days. It seemed to be the simplest tutorial so I figured the best place to start.

 Of course the Brickhouse needs to be a Bass :D (which is my main goal for this endeavor. I'll make that one electric and get a few nice parts (gold volume knob) and tuners from CBNG.

 My favorite though is the Chillin' Moose'. Sweet little box, but it's small so I figure probably more of a Uke scale, definitely electric, probably piezo.

 I think I'll try a stomp box with the baccarat, though I'll probably use it more as a 'slap box'.

 I'd like to turn the Romeo into an amp, but I'm getting ahead of my self. 

 I'll post some pics of progress and or finished g when it's ready :) 

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