1.What is your favorite slide?2.How many do you have?3.What slide material do you favor?4.What material do you not like so much?5. Do you have in slide technique advice?Pinky finger: my fave, a tapered Dunlop brass. Ring Finger, 1B. A ceramic by Dave Lynas -which I like better on some songs. Badfinger a bottle neck from my friend, the Maddog. Pointer finger, a big socket HEAVY! Thumb- I really like a shot glass for a lap diddley.
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  • Good, Glenn.  True for me Brian Q.

  • Nice, guitar slide porn...
  • I will eventually post a blog on this, much too much to reply and I think, helpful to a lot of peeps to think more thoroughly about what's available, pros, cons and personal comfort re. each of 'em. But a GREAT set of q's! My ultra short-response?

    1.What is your favorite slide? GK- Several! Copper or Conduit or Glass or old Metal thin slides. Mood and tone effect my choices.

    2.How many do you have? GK- Countless.

    3.What slide material do you favor? GK- See my answer to q # 1 :)

    4.What material do you not like so much? GK- Porcelain or porcelain-like regarding tone, feel and breakage

    5. Do you have in slide technique advice? GK- Play various slides enough until you find what you favor re. feel, durability. Understand placement, vibrato and tone are as much a matter of practice as slide material. Lap or keyboard stand or table-top approach with the right slide is in my view FAR easier to find accurate placement and for many peeps, sweet vibrato -quickly.

    That's my short reply! Fun to read responses here, thanks again Unc, you rock! -Glenn

  • Years, Dave.  It took years to wear out your brass slide.  ;)

  • Uncle, I have the brass slide I got when in art school. I played it hard for years but eventually gave it up due to the grooves in it.
  • Jerry, I would maybe have to play a different kind of blues.  Been wearing a wedding ring for going on FORTY SEVEN years. 

    Got to agree with the guys not liking unpolished copper.   Will disagree with Dave on the brass.  My brass Dunlop is holding up great.   Y

    Yup for me on ceramic.  Nope for me on acrylic.   It's not bad but not among my faves. 

    A big LOL and like on Bruce using a salt shaker.   Hey, did that once belong to Jimmy Buffet?  I think he may be searching for it.

    Yup on the sockets and Wes and his tone bars.   I just came in from the shop.  Working on a Rat Diddley LPG.   I have a big ass long dwell socket in the shop that was my dad's and has his name scratched into it.   I use it sometimes for a slide.  I would not sell it for a hundred bucks.

    Slides are a bit like picks.  People have collections and faves.   Although, I think the pick faves change more often.

    Is it okay to say Lap Diddley in public?

  • UJ it would be mighty hard to play at all without that wedding ring .,.,

  • My least fave would be copper or brass. It scratches easy and develops grooves that make lots of string noise.
  • unpolished copper tubing would be my least favorite.,,and I almost forgot I got some crazy good tone this summer with a Bic lighter ( hard plastic).,,.twas a surprise.,.,

  • Nice you made a photo to show Wes. I like seeing my slides in there. I love my little Oahu metal tone bar too. I have many kinds of these 1920s relics. They are way cool for lap play.
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