uke headstock

this is the one when i diced up my fretting fingers on the table saw. blade too high, not focused, hardwood kick back. hard lesson learned. returned from the hospital and finished the cut, got out the glue.
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  • beautiful looking wood for sure

  • thank you Uncle John. i knew better, wife was in the shower, so i decided to cut a couple pieces of zebra wood on my all steel 1945 table saw. learned never rush. still can't fret a string, bummer. are you a fan of zero frets? i like them, but instead of putting a larger fret at the top, which confused me, i used the finishing nail technique. had a pile of different sizes, would slide one in, if it didn't work i'd loosen the strings and try a different size. always seemed to get the right result. (oh, the old table saw is tabled right now, needs new bushings, big project. So i use my friends big one. He has a large wood shop, doesn't use it, told me go ahead, all kinds of power tools, didn't ask me if i knew what i was doing, didn't care, always said "just do it".) !!

  • Ow!   But beautiful.

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