New Toy

New Bandsaw , managed to use it today for the first time , had it seven weeks
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  • by 'eck-serious lookin' bit of kit.
  • Yes the problem now is that i need a workshop , can only use these tools when it's not raining which is not very often here in the UK lol!!
    been thinking of buying a fold down Gazzbo to work in , got to be better than been governed by the weather ?
  • yep, you did get band saw! If I'm ever over on that side of the pond, i'm going to your house to play.
  • Yup, I could sure use one o them!
  • Thanks Tiny
    It was on spring time offer and i just happend to have the cash from a job i had just finished
    had to have it , plus it's made here in sheffield and comes with a 5 year guarentee
    it's a little bigger than i was thinking of buying , but better to buy bigger than buy a smaller one then wish you'd bought bigger
    Thanks for the comment mate
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