So, I clearly stole this idea from Ted Crocker, but I really like the way it turned out. It will mount to soundboard with velcro. Piezo is set into silicone in cap.
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This is all like folk music. You hear a song and try and remember it but it changes a little. Stealing is when you order a Ted Cocker and then change the logo and resell it as a Bluesheart.
This is all like folk music. You hear a song and try and remember it but it changes a little. Stealing is when you order a Ted Cocker and then change the logo and resell it as a Bluesheart.
dont think it was ted or wes, these were available when i was a teenager.
Larry makes a lot of em too
try a magnet on the inside and you wont need unsightly velcro ;)
we used to use 'blu tak' when i was a kid, stuff for putting posters on walls etc
I guess it depends what side of the equator you're on...
Someone sez there's a top and a bottom to piezos. Without gettin too sexual, which is which?
imitation is a form of flattery. Thanks to those folks with really good ideas!
Maybe I stole this idea from Wes Yates? Whoever thought of it first, thank you!