Loog MG_6916_C2_grande

Loog MG_6916_C2_grande
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  • Don't take me too seriously Chris :-) I have no problem with Chinese goods at all...just think that a completely finished kit is a bit icky...but as you say, it may well inspire youngsters to play/build

  • i still use Record tools i bought in the 60s 

    nice as the Loog guitar is i don't feel we need more mass produced stuff.although i take your point about introducing youngsters to playing and building

  • Marcus man, Ikea or not it ain't made in Sweden as many fine things were and still are! Very sadly I was proud of the fine tools made by the Record company in Sheffield England who were taken over by an American company, taken over by a Chinese company but now are made in India. I personally don't knock something I have not tried myself and in the true spirit of CBN a hundred percent made from junk, it is what we pride ourselves in making without trial or prejudice from others. I am sure I could not vouch for one of my own being totally made from English cast offs, If it moulds the young CBN'ers of the future all the better, if they are or use Chinese anything so be it, if a Chinese CBN'er (and I hope there are many) made a guitar, would it be ptoooey? The Chinese still sail junks which are a few thousand years old so they must be a bit well made, we all use junk to create, we all love junk that's why are the glorious elite CBN'ers of the world. We are proud of our junk builds and ourselves as git makers may it be from China or any other place in the world. Long live CBN and the makers of junk gits all over the world regardless of where, when or what they use, we are the SUPREME!  (Well maybe not my builds mates! Someone once said  "He's made that guitar and it's made from crap, why does it sound so good") a prouder man never walked out of a pub ever! All the best Marcus, keep warm and well mate, Chris. :)

  • IKEA git........ptoooey
  • You guessed it Jabes, China but it is retailed in America and it does seem to play OK.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiQyDY6mUXU

    nice of them to show a list of parts..

  • made in China?

  • No prices listed as yet but a good starter fore future CBN'ers. :)

  • Definitely a seller.

  • Thanks, Chris.

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