Home Made Mic 2

Home Made Mic 2
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  • Knotlenny,
    This is one that almost any one not wearing a helmet could do in less than an hour.
  • this is a tremendous! That's what I love about this place. I've been inspired to copy so many great ideas, I'll never live long enough to do them all.
  • cool.
  • Very cool thats real good , nice work
  • I am glad you appreciate it. It was fun to build.

    Diane, I plan to record something this weekend... too tired now. LOL.
  • very kool and inovative
  • What fun functional build. Great idea.
  • That is incredibly cool! When do we get a sound clip? Even just a "Watson, come in here, I need you."
  • Here's the business end, in all it's tuna can glory. The hoop is the remnant of an old coat hanger, and the suspension lines are elastic hair bands. The smaller can is held in place by some discarded black foam from work. I stuffed some into the center as well, which really helped kill some of the tinny tone, as well as cut down the feed back. The elastic suspension does a good job of isolating the mic from the stand. The piezo is clued to the inside surface of the center can, so DON'T tap the mic! Effective response area is great within about 6 inches, and drops off dramatically after that (which isn't a bad thing if you ask me.)
  • very cool looking mic,great work.
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