I have two hanging in my shop, one under the bed, and three in a box in the living room. I need to convince my wife they are truly art pieces and should be displayed proudly on the wall!!!! You have an amazing collection.
Thanks guys, for all your kind words. As you can tell, I build guitars out of just about anything! Deer antlers, beer tapper handles, trophy tops, canoe paddles, canes, hockey sticks, and on and on. It's definitely a labor of love!
Wow. Beauty and variety. Big sigh awesome. Even without the dogs playing poker print.
I have two hanging in my shop, one under the bed, and three in a box in the living room. I need to convince my wife they are truly art pieces and should be displayed proudly on the wall!!!! You have an amazing collection.
Thanks guys, for all your kind words. As you can tell, I build guitars out of just about anything! Deer antlers, beer tapper handles, trophy tops, canoe paddles, canes, hockey sticks, and on and on. It's definitely a labor of love!
yum yum ;-)