Gremlins II

Found mixed with styrofoam n bubble wrap in the Harp guitar box.,, appears to be a mando uker, tuned to pitch I’ll call it a short scale tenor,., from St Wishnevsky,.,, still “in the white”, finish comes next
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  • I am an old Wishnevsky collector.,.,UJ I ordered this when Wish said he might be retiring.,.,he said sales were dead a couple months.,, I asked for a half moon mando, but Steve already had this blank shaped.,.he said it was a 20" scale , but he could cut it down to 14"s if I wanted.,.,I stuck with the 20" scale.,,.I lost count, I am sure I've bought at least 25 instruments from St Wishnevsky.,.,never have asked for a CBG.,.,had a great double neck archtop Jazz guitar for awhile.,drove down to see his shop years ago before it burned to the ground.,., he is one wild luthier.,.,his amazing Bannana guitar was fun.,.,.

  • Nice build! I see where you’re coming from Rob? 

  • It reminds me of a Tahitian Ukulele

  • Very cool.  I recognize his head stock.  Was this a bonus included with the harp git?

  • I love Wish!  I own two basses by him: A Lobe and a Banana Bass

  • This is a suitable war toy ...

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