First Build

I'm new to the whole idea of building instruments, but here's the first one I made about a month ago. It's a diddley bow with a mop handle neck and an Undercrown resonator. Since I had very few resources to work with(still in high school), I couldn't make it particularly fancy. But I'd like to know any comments or criticism you all may have regarding this, as well as tips for building full guitars, as I'm planning on building a three string soon. Thanks!
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  • Uncle John, thanks for the input; I was wondering why it was so quiet. I'll make sure to continue posting once I build another one.
  • Great build, Liam, especially for your first!  I like diddley bows a bunch, but tend toward 3-stringers myself.  Uncle John's comments and suggestions are right on, as well as the reference to other resources here on the site.  Keep posting!

  • What Unc said Liam, good advice, and nice job, especially on your very first! -Glenn

  • Hey, Liam.  Sometimes the photos load with distortion.  If you click on 'View Full Size' it  looks real good.  Nice diddley.   

    You should be good to go with a three string build -especially for a fretless.    Try to put the bridge a bit closer to the center for best acoustic tones.  Look at other builds  - maybe 25% of the distance between box bottom and box top.   Keep about an inch and a half or more from the nut to the nearest tuner.  Good wishes.  \

    Check out 'Resources' at page top for how to play and how to build instruction. 

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