cherry fretboard, oil paint stripes, Mop dots

cherry fretboard, oil paint stripes, Mop dots
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  • Super nice look

  • Uncle the fret ends are filed by my Dremel with a sanding drum (course grit). I file down the fret ends after cutting off the fret with a diamond wheel. Then angle the sanding wheel to make the final shape.

  • Thanks Daniel, thanks Uncle. Rather than trying to dirty my box wood I added the yellowed stripes to mimic the box color. It works. And I like my black Pearl Mop dots on the yellow 12th fret.

  • gorgeous. funny, at first i thought it was one piece, looks so nice on that burgundy. now that i see it i can't see it the other way, if you know what i mean.

  • Great looking fret filing, finger board and pic.

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