Box pile with Cheezy, Seneno and Ratty

Sitting by my fire. Boxes stacked and recent instruments at the ready. Oh Boy!
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  • Uncle John, I played Ratty and Senero a lot last night. Ratty definitely wins in good tone. I love that little red guitar! Thanks. I might try heavier stings on Senero to try for more of a Ratty sound.
  • Wes, mine is natural gas. It has the same body as a wood but the glass is sealed and a ceramic fireplace glows like a wood fire. Insurance won't allow us a wood stove but this is the next best thing. It kicks out heat like crazy.
  • Life is good.   And you gave me a good idea.

  • Thanks Andries, Pick. I just want to build them all at once. I must savor them.
  • slipped in my   drool  . bumped head  .. kant tyype , bbl. 

  • Wauw! there dave! You got some nice ones in that stack!some ammo to feed the Critters! Love  your Classic relic builds !

  • Hey, watch the banjo jokes!

  • I think so Wes. Funs a popin. The best cure for a Minnesota Winter. Fire, music, building and feeding the critters.

  • They would make excellent kindling. Just sayin... My stove is a Vermont Casting cast iron stove. It's very cozy and about a yard from this scene. This is my favorite pile o instruments to play in the evening. They are excited about the box invasion....

  • Nice, nice,nice! Wonderful builds and boxes. I made a banjo for a lady a few years ago. Solid Walnut neck and pot. When I went to her house a few months later it was sitting on the kindling pile. I said "at least let me salvage the tuners" She laughed because that's where she kept it handy while sitting by her woodstove.

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