
grover uke tuners from stew mac
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  • thank you reeds

  • Sweet looking uke bro....

  • I do mike , in both the ones ive done . i use a modified "A"  if you can see the pics of the bracing i have posted or go to my page they are in there you can see them. the trick i believe . and this is just me here . when putting in the bridge plate i use liner wood, the pieces that come in some cigar boxes.  I drop them on the tile. they make a sound. listen to them. most thud.  some ring ! those are the ones i pesronally use for bridge plates . and my bracing I only use poplar it really allows that box to sing out !  if you have any questions message me

  • I love the centered sound hole and would like to try one myself.  Do you have any bracing suggestions?

  • thanks for the comments ,  oh the name change ??   menopause  lol

  • Looks great Antonio! What's with the name change? :)

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