



Thunder Bay, ON


October 2

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  • Hi Tom,

    I was re-reading a tread on CBN and cam across this photo that you had posted...


    That looks like one great hole cutting tool. I was wondering who makes it, it's name (product number), price and where I might be able to get one. Tell me more about how it works. What is the thickest sound board that you have cut the resonator hole using this tool? What's your opinion as to the safety of this tool?

    I have been experimenting with home made hole cutting tools based around either a cutting blade or a saw blade mounted on an arm that rotates around a bolt mounted in the center of where the hole should be on the sound board. This works marginally well with thin plywood, but not so well with thicker sound boards. Since resonators like thicker sound boards, I end up having to re-enforce my sound board from below to stiffen them up. I was thinking this hole cutting tool might be just the ideal tool for cutting holes in thicker plywood.

    Would appreciate a reply.


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