



Olympia, WA

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  • Thanks for the compliment about my Cigar Box Guitar documentary Steve. I am, for the moment, concentrating on the UK scene, but have not ruled out going back to the roots of it. Who knows, maybe Seasick Steve will answer my emails! LOL
  • G'day Steve, thanks for your comments. Only got on to the cbg thing about 12 months ago and luvin' it ! Played guitar for over 20 years but theres something about those cbg's that just inspires you. Gonna try recording a couple of fretted ones soon. Cheers.
  • I see what you mean now. The mint-box piezo is part-preamp and part impedance matcher. It just matches the impedance of the piezo with the amp you want to plug into. That should help your guitar amp to amplify your CBG.
  • Hey, Steve. I am just now learning about the difficulties of piezo pickups. The amps that I have previously built do not have an input pot to help with differing piezo elements. If you have any info/schematics that could lead me in the right direction I can certainly make an amp tailored to the need.

    Thanks - Robbie
  • not really, as I'm teaching in S. Korea right now! But I sure do miss Washington State...don't know where to source anything here...thanks for the welcome!
  • Hi Steve!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your swell comments.
    Yes, the tuners i used are neat.... but impractical.
    It's a real job getting the thing tuned. For the next one i'll be using some Cello pegs.
    You guitar looks fantastic. Nice simple, clean design. I like that.
    Hope you're enjoying your summer.
    Take care,
  • Thanks Steve! just some plywood 2 x 4s and 4 x 4s but it is relatively level! your guitar work is beautiful, I hope I can get to that level soon, I got a ways to go though.
  • Thanks for the compliment, man
  • Hi Steve
    Thanks for the friends invite mate also for your comments on the resonator - the reso's take a little more time to build but well worth the extra effort , have a crack at building one i'm sure you will be glad you did
    see you around mate
    juju :)
  • Thank you for your friend invite. In general, most of the people on the platforms are average commuters interested in the CBG and the music style. Once in a blue moon, I meet a local character, but I share the wealth and give them a buck. They usually move happily on their way. Enjoy.
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