



Deland, FL

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  • 306427158?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Here you go Robert...Osage w/ Ebony stripe

  • Thanks for your comment RQ! Glad you like the Flatpup :-)
    I certainly will carry on building them but for now at a lower number. My best regards :-)
  • Thanks for the neck info. I have a special guitar I am building that will be a 5 string and I am thinking of ways to do it. I like your idea a lot. Ill have to dig around for some rough cut hardwood. I bet it sounds nice too and adds some sustain with the added hardwood.

  • Thanks. I have to kinda bounce around with my ideas or I'll get bored ;)  

  • Many thanks for the kind words RQ, and thanks for the friendship. Sorry to say I'm probably the only male in the UK thats not into football, i find that beer, guitars and music fill the gap nicely! ! great sounds youve got on page, you play a mean slide Sir

  • Thank very much for the invit, i'm very honored to become one of your new friend ! I love music i found here on your personal page !...many nice instruments too...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • Hey Mr Q, thank you for the friend request! You have some very innovative guitars on here, I like that you seem to have used whatever is available to you, and they are all very different too. I look forward to seeing more in the future,

  • Thanks for the friend request Bobby! Might give that wiring a try.
  • Robert

    I use tins, as they are freely available in the UK, cigar boxes are difficult to get hold of and expensive, but I have now found a cigar shop in Nottingham where I can get the for £1.00, I now have a small stock.

    Thanks for the info on Tin tone Guitars , they are charging big money for their guitars!

    Regrading your Bass, was it full size, and what strings did you use?I have been asked to try and make one by my son and a friend.

    If you ever visit the UK give me a shout, I can guide you round Nottingham.


  • Link to January 2009 newpaper article/video regarding CBGs


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