


July 20

Finished a UKE and a few misc pics

Well I finished my first UKE and took a few pics of my little shop and two others on the bench waiting for some parts. Had a few requests for pics of the cookie tin banjo and so here are a few before strings.IMGP1638.JPGIMGP1639.JPGIMGP1641.JPG

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Is it just me?

I am now on my seventh or so build and it is starting to get a little easier and now I find myself making them just a little more complicated. I just finished a cookie tin style with a highly polished chrome tin and I am just in awe over how it…

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Boxes anyone....

I am heraing that the UK guys have a hard time finding boxes. So I have a few local shops here and I am willing to buy the boxes and ship them to you if you cover all the costs. I am not going to hunt and dig through a tun just for one kind but I…

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Dang I am hooked

I dont know about you all but I am just hooked and going nuts with these dang CBG. I even have got two other people into it and they are building now. I am now looking for stuff everywhere I go. I am now looking at local shops and junk now is…

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