Help for a complete beginner

Hi there folks,

I'm Nick, from South Wales.

I can't play any instruments, but love the Blues and would like to start playing the CBG, I just love the slidey sound of all that old school delta blues etc and thats what I'd like to have a try at.

I'm looking for some advice on what CBG to buy and where to get it from. I think I'd like to go for a three string with a piezo pick up as I relly like the sound they give. I've been listening to a lot lately online and I seem to like the open G or possibly the open D sounds?

I've been looking online and there are a few around, really I was trying to stay around the £100 or so mark? money's tight at the moment.

I looked at a couple:



are just a couple I looked at.


I'm hoping you guys can offer me some advice as I don't really know anyone to ask locally. Am I looking at the right sort of thing for a beginner?

Thanks ever so much



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  • Hi Nick 

    If you ever fancy a spin down west to Llanelli let me know and I will gladly show you how easy it is to get started and build yourself a CBG to get started

  • Hi Nick

    That's alot of sound advice and you've made a good choice buying one of Chickenbone John's guitars but the affliction really bites when you start making your own.It isn't difficult and If you run into problems there are loads of experienced builders on this site who will be happy to help.

    As for the playing, Keni Lee Burgess has a good series of DVD's that start from the absolute basics.

    Hope you have an understanding wife !

    • Yeah i give mrs howling a week before my plugs cut off me amp
  • a wise choice but indeed they are very addictive im up to 5 now and i only started in march 

  • Thanks ever so much, for all your help.

    I decided that as you guys on here rate Chickenbonejohn so highly I'd get one from him!!


    So I bought one this afternoon from him, didn't exactly come in on buget, but hey when does anything come in on buget? Also he offered me some sound advice so that' always nice too!!

    Now I'm super excited about it arriving!!!!


    Cheers folks


    • Aha, your "first"comin, Nick. Still got mine (ma first). In fact , only twas  only about 9 months ago, but I acquired another 10 or so since (need to count! lol), plus about 7 or 8CB amps! BEWARE! lol

  • I'd echo the suggestions above about attending one of the Chickenbone John / Homegrown Music Collective workshops, and building one of your own. Back in the summer I was trawling eBay looking for a CBG when I came across an advert for a workshop in Barnsley. One afternoon and 15 quid later I was the proud owner of my own . OK, all I'd done was assemble a kit of parts, but for someone who'd never really made anything in the past, who got kicked out of school woodwork class after a year, I loved it, and the fact I'd put it together made the playing all the sweeter (believe me, my playing needs all the help it can get...). The session I attended included a quick lesson at the end which covered the basics of tuning, holding the slide and knocking out a quick 12 bar.

    They're ripe for improvement - I decorated the soundbox with a suitable piccie, burnt in the fret marks with a soldering iron and was well chuffed. For learning to play, YouTube was great - Shane Speal's beginner series and some by Mike Snowden I remember being particularly helpful. The main thing is just to keep playing - if you can hear the music in your head, it will start to come.

    The skills you learn in the workshop will set you up for future projects of your own - I'm just finishing off my first full build using a proper cigar box this time, and have another two on the go.

  • Totaly agree, the kits are brilliant and they sound great, shame they don't have the same looks as some of the others but for under £20, can you really complain?  If you look on my page I customised the one we made, as have some other people.  Go for one of those at Boxstock or somewhere else. :)

  • ive got a toelar its ok but the electrics went after 2 weeks my advice would be to go to one of chickenbone johns workshops and make your own for 20 pound he will also send you on your way with the basics on how to play he does them all around the country or if you want a guitar that will definatly sound good then buy one of his and watch some shane speal videos on how to play 

    • Cheers Mate,

      I think I'll PM him for a chat.

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