Well I finally did it. I thought yah I got time to build two diddle bows before this weekends fair. Both turned out nice looking and sound nice well except this one.opps got my fret count wrong on one. This one will be real cheap.
I was making a 3 string for a VERY small lady, so I tried to make a very low profile neck for her tiny hands. All was going well until I tested the rigidity and discovered I had made a pretty good bow instead.
Not sure about the rest of ya'll, but every once in a while I'll try to clear up enough space to set down a box almost kill myself falling into the mess my shop has become.
There are 4 workbenches hidden somewhere in here, but I''ll be happy to ju
I was cleaning up my shop ... cutting up bits too big for my wood stove... Evidently ran past the pusher on my angle gilhooley... hit the thumb pretty square... never touched the nail...
I figure this photo will serve as my membership card! Will not fall for that one again. So, I'm no uke player. I do have a uke. I used the uke that I have as a plan for the one I built. After stringing it up and learning some uke chords, I realized t
well i broke down and bought a new fener style neck with tuners for 30.00 shipped. figured the tuners would be worth that alone. stared at it every dayin my shop, then found the perfect box. decided what the heck buid a 6 stringer. after carefull
i cut a hole in the lid of the box to put a pick up in and when i did the wood chiped,so i scord the other side w/ a knife and it came out cleaner.live and learn. ed