All Discussions (78)

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About to build a CBD

Thinking about jumping into building a dulcimer....strumstick. whatever ya call it. Is there a difference between a dulcimer and a strumstick? Fretting seems to be the same, only thing I can see is the stick might be a tad narrower of a neck? Current

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Bridges -- stupid question

terribly sorry for the newbie question folks:


The bridge, I see some are positioned straight, and some on an angle.

Is there a reason beyond aesthetics ?


I mean, that slight angle does not make intonation differences, so is it just style ?



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Daft Question - Neck length

Lots of discussion re neck length, string length and such, but can I ask for a clarification, cos I'm missing something in my reading.


People talk about building a cbg with a string length of 22.5".

Is that nut to bridge? Because If I build a thru-

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Cardboard Dulcimer build

I've been learning a lot from several dulcimer forums on builds, styles, pups, preamps etc. Because of budget, cardboard seems to be my entry into my first build.

I've chosen to try a teardrop instead of a CB design and thought to ask about the types

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Hello All

 After getting a   stick dulcimer for Christmas,, I decided to try to make one out of a cigar box .  I started it last Tuesday.  Last nite I got it playing to where I like the sound.  I will post pics.or YT soon.   Ive never built any string inst. be

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Hammered dulcimer

Anyone have any tips or thoughts on building an entry level or primitive hammered dulcimer for a student on a budget?

I am thinking I could build her a simple box arrangement, just looking for some ideas from anyone who might have attempted one alrea

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Dulcimer building

Hi all.

I am gonna try build my first 3-string  Strum stick Dulcimer and few question comes my mind.

I´m gonna use little  Tin Box, size is 6 1/8" x 5 3/8" x 2  7/8" ( 156 mm x 136mm x 72mm )

What is typical scale?

Or what scale is good for that tin box

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1st Dulcimer CBG

Just wanted to say that I built my 1st stick dulcimer using the scale from plans bought from (DAD tuning). I didn't know what to expect - since I approached the project from a woodworkers perspective instead of a musician's - I've NE

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