hi, where can a daft old thing acquire resonator cones, preferably brass or copper? mini cones, might also be good....ps, is it necessary to build a sound well or can ya just scew that thing or silicone it to the soundboard? will this affect the sound etc?....

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  • A cat bowl is probably better for a three string, it's more in proportion.On this one I got the sums wrong so the bridge isn't in the centre of bowl.Still sounds good though.306324311?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 

  • hi guys, thanks for all the helpful hints.....love this site....re:cats bowls, the only ones I can find around here seem to be cheap stainless steel.....is that gonna work?

  • Woof !306326246?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Quarterman are generally considered the next best thing to National. Beard cones have a good rep too.
  • belly-cat-dish-4152.jpg

    • RTZ has a good point.  The cat bowls work pretty well and they fit the 'found stuff' for parts tradition.

  • I will second, third, fourth or whatever that Lowe cones are cheap and easy to install.  Lowe is nice to deal with.  

    A lot would depend on the look you are after.   A CBJ or one like Wes showed might suit you better if you like the look more.

  • Lowe cones are cheap and an easy install......Last build for 2012

  • Rob, building a reso using a pukka uke cone is not a simple thing - you need to build a soundwell and understand how to set the action and intonation bang-on, otherwise you'll have problems. It's not immensely difficult, but it does require some understanding of the geometry of the neck/body/action, and also requires a degree of precision with your construction. I've not used the  Old Lowe type cones, but they are  quite  different to the classic national-pattern uke cone.

    At the moment, I've only got a limited number of cones and coverplates in stock which I'm holding onto for my personal use..sorry.

  • Chickenbone John sells good reso cones, they include detailed fitting instructions too..



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