We wanna know who you are! Where ya from? What'cha buildin'? This is a place for new members to introduce themselves and old 'uns to show 'em around. I'm Shane & I run the Nation. I'm glad you're here. Come on in and tune up!

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  • Welcome, check out the Resources tab for build/play info and join some groups located in the Posts tab? 😁
  • Hi, I'm Brandon from Michigan. I'm a musical instrument enthusiast, especially DIY instruments made from recycled or inexpensive parts. I've been looking through the site as a spectator for ideas and inspiration for instruments for some time before joining. The instruments I've built include a cardboard box upright bass decorated with duct tape. I've also built tin can two string cello or spike fiddle inspired instrument, and a one-string weedwacker line piezoelectric boat paddle bass guitar (a hybrid of the one string diddley bow and the washtub gutbucket type bass).
  • Hi, This is Cigar Box Scott from Dayton, Ohio. I'm a gigging musician, building my act on my Shane Speal electro-resonator 4-string. I play neo-folk music, new versions of old songs.

    I'm looking for opportunities to play across the country. Send me your recommendations! Thanks! www.cigarboxscott.com

  • Hey Y'all,

    I signed on because of the stuff I read about piezos over at the Cigar Box Guitar store.  I bought a bunch of stuff there for a Lap Steel build I've been working on.

    I have been doing some building over the years, a couple 5 string Canjo's, and a big ol' upright but not uptight gut bucket bass.  Also built and restored some regular old guitars, banjos and mandolins.

    This time out, I want to build one of them Fender Telecaster Acoustasonic acoustic/electrickle guitar starting with one of them cheap Tele clones off Ebay.

    I got a TON of questions about piezo which I'll be asking after I do a bunch of searching for what you already know ... and when I find out where it's best for me to ask some non-cigarbox-but-somewhat-closely-related piezo questions ... like just come rod piezos (using obne of them pre-amp thingies) sound better then the disc type.


  • Welcome to all the newbies!

  • Hi all! Just joined the Nation and having a great time looking around the web site. I have posted a few pics already of my builds. I am based in Dorchester in the County of Dorset in the UK where there are a number of CGB builders. I have been building CBGs for about 6 months and thoroughly enjoying the experience. As a science engineer I love working with wood and metal and designing new CGBs is fun as well as sometimes being challenging. 

  • Hi,

    I'm new here. Been doing wood work for 18 months now and have made a good number of Cajon's. 

    Now interested in making  something with strings, so a CBG looks like a very good place to start.  Looking forward to reading the on-line resources and getting a few questions answered.

    First project will be a simple 3 string CBG with a plywood box and a piezo.  Looking at a 25" scale and a Diatonic fret board.  If 6 strings are 3 strings too many, then 24 frets are 12 too many for a beginner.

  • Worked on the mockup of my 4 string CBG, today.  I think I have the placement of everything good to go. Now I am ready to start building the box and attaching the Fully Fretted Maple Neck and other cool stuff I received from Gitty's.  Can't wait to start jammin'.  Hope everyone's having a great day!  Glenn

  • Hi Lori ! nice to meet you ,seeing your info sheet, and picture your no rookee, and thats why i recomend one of Gitty's builds ,if you can afford them,take one whit out the electronics ,so you can appriciate the acoustic valeu of a cigarbox,and leave al the electronics for your second build, the 3 string is the most classic ,but a 4 string brings you closer to the things you know sins you are a 6 string player, (and more) you are a great stunner and many a Cigarbox enthousiast hearth will start beating faster when they see your picture on the site, i am on this site now for many a year and not many female Cigarbox interest does appear on this site, but again you are right this is the place to be, there is a abundance of knowledge by all the people on this site, its only who and what youchose that will determen in what direction you go whit your build so analize your info whitcare and decide, cause there are a hole lot ,imean a real lot of options !! good luck and have fun playing and building your next to come cigarbox guitar!

    Kind greeeeeettssszz A.D.   BCB SJP: Holland.

  • Hi, I am Lori,  I am interested in building a cigar box guitar.  I play guitar, and a few other instruments.  I have a few friends that have cigar box guitars, and one that built one.  This is a great resource so far!  I am really having fun looking through everything.  I have already learned from your video's how to approach playing one of these and the tuning.  The one I had access to, had high action, so I assumed a slide would be needed for theirs.  I think if I built my own, I would prefer something that you could play with or without one.  

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Better late than never...

After joining this forum in 2014, I finally have my 1st CBG which my wife bought for me at the weekend (a 4 string from Frethound Custom Guitars).  I was never going to get around to building one. Now to learn to use a slide.WhatsApp Image 2024-04-14 at 16.53.40.jpeg

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My 1st CGB

Just finished my 1st freeless acoustic CBG, based on the #Glenn Watt design. 31inch neck, 25inch scale, 42/32/24 gauge strings. Sycamore neck and a 200mm x 180mm x 45mm box made from 7mm ply. Neck finished with Osmo oil wax with fret marked on using pyrograph. 2 x 12mm sound holes. As you might notice it's a corrie-fisted one (left handed to those non-Scots!) Got it tuned now, just got to learn how to play it!!IMG_20240116_153022.jpg

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Hi, y'all.

Hi, I'm HazelFyrebird, and I'm a wannabe luthier (I feel like I'm standing up at a Builder's Anonymous meeting...) in Virginia.  I'm a bit of a lurker, as I've been reading and reading for a while, and this is my first post.  I'm a musical social butterfly: in addition to being a lifelong singer, I seem to collect instruments and play some, pretend to learn others, and "just gaze at the pretties" for still others.  I want to get back into playing fiddle, and money's tight, so here I am.  I plan…

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I Am Blaming All of You with YouTube Channels.

This is not so much of a reintroduction as a rebirth so to speak. I joined Cigar Box Nation many, many years ago when I initially developed an interest in more "primitive" instruments, CBGs, mountain dulcimers, diddly bows, canjos and "strumstick" type instruments. I am primarily a bass player but stringed instruments of all types hold a fascination for me. And then the injury happened. I sustained nerve damage in my left arm that would no longer allow me to fret anything. my had was useless. I…

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