Wischfull Dreaming BCB 1 man Blues Band 2019

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This time i got my Regal out to get some fine Dobro sounds on record whit the BCB One man Band! this will be a back of the Bus Consert for Callifest 2019 , @...

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  • Making fast progress with the one man band. I see the dog pacing and anxious for his solo!

  • Thanks Keith For your Like Appriciated !!

  • Great Gif NANCY !! Thanks ! BCB is in your debt ! Maybee paint it big for in the Background !! 

  • Thanks Mike ,dont know how i do it, just do , it dont allways run like i like but that dont matter ,will try work on the repertoir , but audio wize to get a good balanced sound  it needs to be mixed ,and recorded whit mic's on every instrument , but thats a bridge to far, so im still exspireimenting whit whitch spot to put the recording mic to cap all audio in one go ! so Bare whit me ! Thanks for the kind comments  ! Appriciated !

  • Thanks Jason for your kind comments ! Appriciated !!

  • Enjoyed it.  I don't know how you (or anyone) can play multiple instruments and sing at the same time.  Good job!

  • One man blues and a blues dog that walked by and looked me in the eye. 

  • Thanks for your like there Denny! appriciated !!

  • Allright there Richard ! see that the promotion has started , there is loaded vans leaving at this minit, on the road to Calli ,did you notifi that cheriff ? cose you did promis! remember! so he wont get mad this time whit the invasion ,dont know about the Big stage yet,we have to talk about the gear fist, and if we gone do the Basterd Kids ,you know what can happen if we follow UJ in the Blind, do you know of anyone els that he recruted for this?Is Dave in on this?couse he needs to bring his hearing aid ,he never hears my bass kick,well im hoping and am praying! catch you later!

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