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voice od magnavox

Views: 188

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  • You need to eat more greens....

  • Vintage Big Buzz and Music... Thanks for my ghost... °<[:-) [---]==={

  • This is one of the few vids I watch over and over.
  • boney ass bastard.
  • Bone, Your woman is workin ya to the bone. HAve a samwich man...
  • Bone, you really got to eat more....
    I got a bunch o those 78s in store, jus waiting for when they become fashionable again :o)
  • You got to make a bone hand that the fingers move on.It would be unreal! Cool video!! It's strange to hear those old records.
  • I've done business with these guys, and like them:
  • I think you need a new needle for that. I'll bet the are available on ebay.
  • Ya work your fingers to the bone collecting all these old 78's - and what do ya get?
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