Turkey in the Straw on Candy Tin Fiddle

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Some builds sound better than I expect, some sound worse. This one sounds exactly like I thought it would - like a tin fiddle! Almost like a Stroh violin typ...

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  • Thanks Ruth. Hey Diane, check out Dennis H's doodle bass. It's full bass scale on a large cookie tin with a plywood top. The one I made has volume enough if you're playing with 2 or 3 people, or for practice, but not quite for anything larger. Still, an easy and fun build.

  • OMG That was wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  • My hardanger conversion is right off his website.  I found a woman on the Fiddle Hangout who had made a conversion, and she had photos posted.  Dennis's description was all text, so you have to be a good reader!  

    I want to make the upright bass, but then I noticed he has just done a cello conversion to bass, using flatwound bass strings.  Makes me want to go hunting on the Craigslist for a beater cello!

  • Thanks for that RTZ. One day I'll learn how to do split screen stuff but I'm slow in that area!

    Yeah Diane. I've been a fan of Dennis Havlena for some time now. When I was totally ignorant of how to do this stuff I watched some of his videos and then ordered the CD of his and copied and stole ideas from him a whole bunch. He has even weirder ideas than I do!

  • You and Dennis Havlena!  Twins separated at birth!  http://dennishavlena.com/

  • Thanks for the link Diane. She looks like she should be sitting in the brass section! When I make one I'll add a trumpet mouthpiece so it can go either way.

  • Here it is! https://www.facebook.com/SemanViolins/timeline

    You have to scroll down.

    Obviously a novelty performance!

  • Hard to imagine a Stroh being used in a symphony but as you pointed out, the person playing any instrument makes a pretty big difference. It's also very different with fiddles because you hold them right up at your ear and the sound comes at you differently than if you were able to stand in front and listen to yourself.

  • Funny thing, that Stroh had been played the night before at Orchestra Hall by a woman playing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.  And then I was the next person to saw away at it -- what a contrast!  Har!  I think fiddle music or some other sort of folky style better suits the tinny sound.  Liked Joe Dobbs!  Thanks for the link!

  • Thanks Diane. I've never played a Stroh - only heard clips of them. The best sounding one I've heard is a WV fiddler named Joe Dobbs.


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