Tour of Shane Speal's Woodshop (If I call it "Swamp Witch" will it get more hits?)
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nice look at your set up !!!
Ah you mean MY accent? Have you not noticed it before?
Well, its an "accent" to ME, Clock! lol
Nice tour, Shane. Love yer accent. Ah got an accent too, but folks don't usually notice :.
Cool Shane, nice to see mine is not the only super neat and tidy shop. RTZ, I still watch Roy Underhills show at 11:00 pm. Its better than the news.
Thanks for the tour Shane. I really need a Jointer and a Band saw.
I have been thinking of doing a vid where i make a 3 string using a hand saw a twist drill and a rasp file no electicity- Does anyone remember The Woodwright's Shop With Roy Underhill on PBS.
old joke still going strong
Nice tour. Hiding sorry work place and play room ;-)
Hope to get mine sorted in new year its on the list lol.
pretty cool to see your set up. I use nothing but hand tools for mine so no way I can turn out more than one at a time just now. Still it is enough for me. Hope you sell a million of them by Christmas, happy holidays Shane
Nice tour. I enjoyed it. I kind of hope to get a dado blade setup next year. Would be nice to be able to leave it setup and ready. But first I want one of those cbg bluesman poophats.