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Those Wicked Friends of Mine - an original tune

Views: 119
It's an old fashioned pay-back story. 4 string CBG played unplugged. Tuned DGBE.

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  • Thanks Andries! It was a fun one to write. The basic bones of it came fast, but took me awhile rearranging. Your comments are always inspirational! Thx!!!

  • Thx pick!

  • Great Tale,There Derek,sounds Classic, great key words, wicked,friends,Gun,Jail, trail, that is the stuff legends are  made of  footstomping good thanks for CHARING,! Greeeeeeeeetssszz A.D.

  • Thanks Turtle!

  • Thank you, Uncle John! Would love to hear someone like him (or anyone!) doing one of my songs. That would be a hoot. Thanks a bunch for the kind comments as always :)

  • That is  good song.  Like good enough some major artist should pick it up and put it on an album.   Toby Kieth would suit and it would suit him.   Too bad it's such a bothersome difficult road trying to get any body in the right position to listen.

    Good performance as always. 

  • yup

  • It took me awhile to get the title and description edited while it was being "processed" - technical difficulty on my end!

  • Ha, I either missed it or looked at it before you got the title completed!

  • Thanks Jim! Yes it is another original.

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