This is Not a Swamp Witch ! A D Eker 2016

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Its not all Blues on a SW, its not all Rock on a SW, and its not all Metall on a SW, but this is a sure attempt To DOOM, and its not on a SWAMP WITCH, how we...

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  • Hang in there Andries... we enjoy hearing your music, ex or no-ex!

  • 306585323?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • 306585072?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024I Love it you can hear all the emotions screaming out!! Great therapy Andries hang in there!!!!!! Meeeowwwwww^..^

  • Thanks Every one A little Play now and then What keeps us going and a little antissipation on the laughs of you all Smiles on the Faces, The bills are Pilling Up! my allmost official (EX) is making a mess of things she killed me emotionaly, now she is going for the Finance, Whoepti Doepti Where is the Highway?  Thanks Again You All Lastnight had me a PR on The Range 408 on the 60 shots 50m Range That made my Day !! Greeeeeettsszz A.D.

  • WICKED playing Andries!

  • Cool!

  • Doomed!    Good pic of the pick.  He looks odd without his beard.

  • fun stuff Andries  ;-) some pretty good riffs in there . 

  • 306584446?profile=original

    The One And Only ANONOUMOUS PICK !

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