The Narrow Road by Snuffy Smith

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Going into my 4th month playing CBG now. Here's what that sounds like. Some minor flubs here and there...what can I say?

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  • Nice playing Snuffy!

  • Sounding good, Snuffy. Nice right-hand technique.

  • My neck issues give me hideous migraines that knock me down for a full day. I am having one now, as I played alot over the last couple days...feeling the effects now.

    Yeah, I had to write my song/amp settings down. It really pays off...keeps the sound of each song very consistent. I got tired of it sounding great one day, and not the next after switching settings around. Buy yourself a little notebook and just write them down for quick ref. You'll thank yourself later, and probably remember them as well...eventually, LOL.

  • Same here, neck issues. Looking down for very long like looking at my iPad or playing guitar gets it going. I fall off ladders on my head, a couple of bad ones work related. Retired now, still climbing ladders and playing guitar. No pain, no gain! The pain says I should sound like Clapton Ha, I've always wanted to write settings down so I don't forget. I always don't! It's a good habit to get into Snuffy, doing it right!
  • Thanks Richard. I put in several hours practice each day which has been paying off, but it's been hell on my neck (neck issues - bad disc, stenosis, arthritis = getting old sucks). I don't care though, I enjoy playing this instrument too much...nothing's gonna stop me, LOL.

    I am still figuring out how to manage the Cube's sound, after taking pointers from an old guitarist friend of mine. I could not figure out the difference between the Volume knob and the Master friend set me straight on this today. On this song, I'm using the Black Panel setting, with the Gain set at only a 1/4 way up, along with a healthy dose of Delay, and oddly enough, I felt this song really needed some mid-tempo, warbly Tremolo to make it wiggle. That Tremelo effect is what makes this song work so well.

    Thanks again!!

  • Wow, four months! Your going to be skipping a few grades and a lot of months to early graduation SS! Perfect settings on the cube, I really enjoyed the drum rythem ha! Makes sense, perfect timing!
  • Thanks Dani and Bear!

  • Thanks Dave - love my Crumbley Caster CBG and my little Cube. Takes me awhile to find the sound I like for each song with my Cube. I redrew the Cube knob panel on the computer, and have illustrated the settings for each song and saved them so I don't forget.

    Thank you, Jim. Trying my best!

    Uncle John...LOL. Even when I was playing drums as a youngin', I learned to help my bandmates arrange all of our original tunes. I couldn't play a tuned instrument back then, but I knew what worked and what didn't melodically. Now...I hear the melodies in my head, but it just takes awhile, and alot of practice to figure out the fingering. My approach to this CBG is to just play drums on the picking finger works way better then my fret hand. Wish I could use a pick to do faster stuff, but I am totally clumsy with a pick...can't get use to my fingers better.

  • Sounding good Snuffy! Keep at it :o)

  • That's disgusting.   You should NOT be playing so well so fast.   You have the three main ingredients talent, rhythm and like to.  A lot of us don't have all four.

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