The Lockdown Song - For Spike & Betty

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A song for my Grandchildren who I am missing so much during this lockdown!

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  • Well done Be! I am with you, missing my grandchildren and kids also. 

    You are looking well and I hope y'all continue to be healthy. 

  • Great pick me up song considering the circumstances!

  • Awesome job 

  • Nice!

  • Hello to you B! Great to hear the lyrics and it will be hopefully soon...Meowww^..^4411918196?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • A catchy little tune that's extremely poignant. 

  • thanks John, yeah making music is a good way to spend time atm...

  • That bemusic guitar has big acoustic sound!

  • A Bemusic sighting!  And a sunny day.  This is my second listen (one on FB),  Really good and sad for now lyrics.   Very good.   This will all be over-  make good music for now.   Great to see and hear you.

  • thanks for the comments, stay safe everyone!

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