The Jackass Waltz

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I like the cheap and cheesy sound of this fretless cigar box dulcimer. It's fun to play and it has an appealing cachet. The neighbor has one in the pasture next door, and a horse too, and I see them out the window of my music room. They're buddies! So the title seemed, like, appropriate.

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  • Sheesh there aint nothin cheesy about that sound. that sounds fantastic.  thanks for sharing . !!

  • Really Nice Sound !

  • Thanks,
    Hadn't realized the top 2 strings were separated and tuned to different pitches. (I guess that would explain why I kept hearing both notes!)

    Great instrument. Great tune. Thanks for sharing.

  • Thanks for watching and commenting my friends. 

    Tuned approx CGce .... whatever those numbers come out to be TN Tweang

  • "Oh Yeah" good stuff, sounds great & well played.

  • Pardon my bad ears. Tuned 1-5-3-3, low to high?

  • Best sounding cigar box instrument I've heard in a long time. Could listen to this style all day.

    Has an Appalachia folk feel. Great stuff.

  • That is AWESOME! Nothing cheap or cheesy about it. Great playing and nice sounding instrument. 

  • That sounds fantastic. Don't see a noter being used much anymore, it has a nice slidey kind of sound on the fretless.

  • Beautiful!  

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