Old Time hoowdown at the Barn , A.D.Eker Playing The AGIO Cigar Tin 3 string, Banging his BassDrum ,and Belting out the danssong , ger your Party Started !
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Grab your partner by the hand, spin her around, oops hit the ground! A.D. take your partner for a ride! Mighty fine geometry, square or line dance! Burning down the barn goodness from ya all in Holland!
Yup, getting down primal Andries. :)
Grab your partner by the hand, spin her around, oops hit the ground! A.D. take your partner for a ride! Mighty fine geometry, square or line dance! Burning down the barn goodness from ya all in Holland!
Rockin' it Andries!
Cool Andries .
This is the one ! tree strings no frets !a tin and a stick and strins and tuners. Hobo basic.