Swing Thing

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Played on a 3-string cigar box guitar equipped with a '60's era Teisco single coil pick-up. Let's talk neck problems later in life for these kids !!!Anyone here..used to have one of these????

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  • i know about the cap whit a propellor, and that only needed to run fast, or sit in the wind, never seen these, must give the same neck problems as the heavy metal headbangers , but looks fun for maybee 2 minits! thanks for the swirl of fun !

  • Thank all!

  • I don’t remember these at all... But I do remember diggin’ girls in my grade that wore them pretty plaid dresses witha white collars’!

  • Noisemaker59 making some noise... and some good noise at that.

  • My neck hurts!   Sounding swingy!   Good, good.

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