Squabling Bug Blues - Chapter 2

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Squabling Bug Blues... Turkey dish resonator guitar Using Piezo and home made coil pickup.... Oak Neck 2 turkey dishes back to back with fixed and piezo on spring arm...Story: On a quest for an X factor audition (part 2)With no luck being run over by an A&R man....Bug goes on a one arm gambling quest to raise enough funds to buy a new motor...The choice is vast but eventually decides to keep his trusty BSA after loosing all his funds in the penny arcade...So with what's left he spend the remaining money on a badge, in the hope it will help him win X factor.. (victorius)With vehicle and victorius badge sorted, he reaches for his pocket to find he has no cash left to buy any fuel...perhaps he can get a temporary job at the wall of death?Will his journey begins? to each X factor audition in every county across each country...Can he survive the wall of death?Will any change he earns stay in his pocket as he works the wall?to be continued....

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  • Nice chapter 2 , Bug, ma man. At one or two points in the video, we could all see that you really LOVE those cars! And ah mean LOVE in the biblical sense. Ah've heard of a "hump back bridge", but ah "Bug hump motor"! As long as ye don't frighten the horses, ma man! lol

  • Bug on a windshield! (-:

  • Cheers Guy and Gals...a  new episode has just landed

  • Buggy watch out for DevilBug!!Meowwwwwlovthisoneww ^^305899116?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • like said Mister Clock "BUGGY STYLE"...KôôL...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • toothy_face_howdy_doody_card-p137167927398345555bh2r3_400.jpg

  • 305899264?profile=original

  • 305896278?profile=original

  •                                                                         great stuff  MR Bug !!! 


  • 305897957?profile=RESIZE_480x480

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