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Spare Parts!

Views: 177
Fun day at Goodwill yielded a couple manikins 8bucks a piece. Having a blast turning parts into instruments. The girls enjoyed painting the toe nails. I can see tattoos and signatures etc. Hear the puns on this one, hilarious!

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  • RTZ,

    It's too late for normal!

  • I'm feeling more and more normal every time I log on to this site.

  • Thank You Nancy. This is a fun crowd here on the Nation.

  • Ha ha that is sooo cool funny!!!! Meowwwwww^.^306451736?profile=original

  • The doctor is in Jim.

    The real deal was that I brought the set home and place them at the bottom of the stairs. Went somewhere, came home late and as soon as I flicked the light on I seen these and they startled crap out of me.

  • I know folks who've done stranger things with mannekins! Yup, this gets my vote for video of the week. Is the sedative ready?

  • I'm working a complete drum set using manikin parts. I've learned the piezo is also a common trigger for computer interface special effect sounds!306453352?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • I have a few more parts I dug up and will have them assemble after the next lightening storm goes over.

  • We are not done yet, Stephen.  More puns are afoot.

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