Rollin And Tumblin 12MAY2015

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Rollin' & Tumblin' on my 3-string CBG (#15), through a $40 amp from Guitar Center's used area. First video posted here!

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  • Thanks much, Richey!

  • Very nice work Gary! Lovely clear tone and great slide technique. Congrats on your first video. I'm looking forward to lots more!

  • Thanks Unc & James.  Uncle John - I used the Windows Movie Maker and it's super easy to add the start and stop points - which keep you from getting a super close-up of my head!  ;-)  And Robert - the little amp is a Line 6 Spider III 15 W, 8 inch unit.  I went to Guitar Center to score some empty guitar boxes for shipping a couple of my CBG's, checked out their used equipment stash and found it for $39 plus tax.  Pretty good deal for me!  I have built a couple little amps using the Artec kit from CBGitty and like those too.  The little Danelectro Honeytones are nice, inexpensive little units too.

  • Good stuff Man fine playing Man sounds great

  • Good on you for posting a vid, Gary.  Holey buckets that git and you sound good.   I think we may hearing more from you.  Nice job.  You even did the start and stop editing! 

  • Thanks guys!  Robert - it's a Line 6 with a 10" speaker, set pretty clean.  Could modify the settings for a much dirtier sound...  I'll check on model details

  • Neat-O!

  • Nicely done!

  • what amp is it?

  • yup  ;-)

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