Revelations from the Mountain A D Eker 2016

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The Christian doctrine sinks in a man if he likes it or not, born and baptised , somehow the believe goes true your vanes and Build you from the ground up, i...

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  • Thanks every one, for all your comments Appreciated ! greeeettsszz A.D.

  • Yes deep Andries, and very good. We get older and realize that there is value in the things we were brought up with after all. :)


  • That's good, deep stuff my friend. Amen!

  • Have mercy on me, Lord.   Let this cup pass on me. 

    Very good!  

    Did you see that super moon last night?   Hmm.  I guess I don't know if it was super over your way. 

  • 306588550?profile=originalLiked your vocals and playing as always Andries butttttt that bear picture nooooo I need a warning yikes~~~Mew^..^

  • This is on my Sixer The Triumph from 1920 , on for Grey Bear & Dani do enjoy Greeeettsszzzz A.D306588435?profile=original

    Bear Hunting on the Blue River !

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