Nine Pound Hammer - traditional - on home made guitar and harp.

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Nine Pound Hammer - traditional - on home made guitar and harp. I live in an area of central Iowa that had several coal mines close by to where I live. Up through the 1930s, coal mining was the second most common occupation in Iowa (after agriculture).Hard, dirty and dangerous work...

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  • Kale, one tuner is black and the rest are chrome.  Does make it harder to see how many tuners/strings.   I kind of like to throw in an odd colored tuner to pay homage to the old make your guitar out of salvaged pieces tradition.  

  • Thanks, Kale.   Four string.  Chicago tuning.   

  • Thanks, Rope.  That is sure a good, fun and fairly easy song.

    Thanks, Allan.  I may have a few more.

    Thanks, George.  Silicosis would be a long and tough way to go.  You dad likely did what he could to raise a family.   Not much choice of employment for too many folks.

  • Just simply marvelous and touched my heart. I was brought up in a mining community and my father died of lung silicosis after 25 years working on the face in 18 inch seams.


  • Yet another Classic Performance of a Classic Oldy, by a Classic Oldy, keep 'em coming 'UJ' :-)

  • Harp sounds great with that particular guitar, UncleJohn! Another good’un.

  • Nice rendition Uncle. Is that a 4 string or a 3 string. I can't tell? The ol' Iowa sax is sounding great.

  • Thanks, Andries.  That is my prettiest guitar.  It was made by an artist and craftsman named Michael Balduci.   He had a different name here on CBN years back.  It came to me as  3 string and I eventually made it a four and just kind of fine tuned the setup to suit me.  It has a rod piezo with controls and sounds good plugged in too.  The box is a Padron box.

  • Your telling me now that you use to be  a coal miner!  it does suit you, the song that is, great combo whit the back drop in splender ,and the old timy antiek looking classic F keyhole 4 stringer you strum in so elegant exellence,great looking Guitar,  was it begifted or did you pick that up on one of your country antiek hunting tours? close to the mic for optimum audio fine mix all together , going for Gold , but a coal tumstone is something to reconsider !  

  • Thanks, Doug.  It is one of a half dozen I would have much trouble parting with.

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