"Naptime in a Foxhole" Heidi Harris

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"Underneath the Grass and Clover" by,Heidi Harris album available on iTunes:http://itunes.apple.com/se/album/underneath-grass-clover/id475970775photo from Wolfeboro NH. 2011"Naptime in a Foxhole", simple video version.

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  • ha!... Darren... the foxes are asleep in the berry bush ;)... thanks all! and silent jim, so sorry the photo of me freaks you out.... don't really know how to respond to that. hahaha! 

  • I love that very sweet symphonic contemporain folk music....°<[:-) [---]==={

  • Wonderful combination of sounds. A very evocative piece.

  • nice heidi ,were did the fox,s go .

  • That is a nice listen and glisten, Heidi. Feels like a sunny winter day.

  • Beautiful! *****(-:

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