Naptime in a Foxhole by, Heidi Harris playing a db custom cbg .

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db custom cbg,s

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  • Beautiful! often see Foxes locally, half dog half cat i always think, very social animals (-;
  • Hey there!! Thanks so much, Darren!... for posting this AND for creating such a beautiful instrument that inspires me to really dig into the guitar like that... its been such a pleasure playing "Mr. Fox" ;) and thanks to all these lovely comments... you folks are all gems! Happy Saturday!! ~HH
  •  heide thanks you .

  • specially sweet
  • So sparkling and smooth ...very mellow and cool...perfect for a naptime!
  • hey you cant beat that, your cbg sound great, and she plays it as ,win.
  • thanks olds for sending her my way ,she is great in your band hawk horse to.
  • its cool to see the different things people do with your builds....great sound. great vid. great woman.
  • thanks all, yes shes a sharp cookie .
  • good film..and your guitar sounds great!!
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