My Edited Video

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  • Cheers JUJU I will try to do some action next time. Dremmel and sawdust action ,-)

  • Nice one mate that looks a lot more solid now  - good work

    juju :)

  • Man I can play anything lol in my dreams;-)
  • didn't know tools could sound like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks Wes

  • Bug

    Mate when i was trying to put this vid up I was stone cold sober after the 10th  try I thought I may as well have a beer or 2.

  • Coool tunes  never knew  you could play like that!!.... ha.... looks cool!!!
    ..I need to know how to do a fret board as mine are poo....?

    I just took 2 years to figure out that a bolt as a nut moves your starting position by enough to make a difference

    for yout frets positions..... re intonation or whatever it's called...(*.it's never good to come back from the pub and go on line...)


  • Thanks James

    Be nice to but I am just working with what i have got to make better guitars or faster. there must be somthing out there you can buy to do this.. And if not you saw it here first copyright South Paw Davey aka David young lol.

    It's a hand worked cnc on x and y no computer thank f...

    I can make all the cock ups on this. athe final build will work as I want.




  • So I sortetd most of the wobble out only took about 10 trys to upload this this is a prototype the music was an edit to get it to upload computer and utube said no as it was a duplicate but the first did not come up some times I hate computers /-{

  • i hope you get rich from your innovations!!!                    great stuff!!!

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