Swamp Witch

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More testing and learning video editing and audio recording, This time with my beloved Swamp Witch!! Videos now in HD and same recording set up as last video...

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  • needed a  re-visit    on this one too  ;-)

  • Thank You for your service!!!!!  Happy Veterans Day!!! Meeeowww^..^306503022?profile=original

  • Wow this Swampy caught my eye! I don't remember this build but it is Pickalious!!!  Also you play very well indeed P~Snappy  Meeowwwww^..^306503957?profile=original

  • Sounds great ;-)

  • i  second that   motion  jim m  ;-)

  • Nice playing and goodlookin swampy

  • That sounds so good! I'm pretty happy playing my own builds but this and other vids makes me want a Swamp Witch real bad!

  • Uncle John. Yes it does but I've been using Corel video editor prox3 and it does a nice job! Lots more features. But it's been a while so im getting re adjusted to it plus I'm using a DAW (sonar) for the audio. Just getting the feel for it all, hence the slight lag in audio! I'm learning how to do it because my girlfriend was asked to do a video for a school and since I built her guitar I'm doing the shooting, so trying to get it down before we shoot the actual presentation for the school! Fun stuff and I'm glad to be a part of it!! Spreading the word of our love for these crazy and historical guitars is very important to me so I'm trying to get it right!! Thanks for the positive comments as always guys!!!
  • Sounding good.   Patrick, does your computer have Windows Move Maker?  

    A lot of computers do.  Both my cheap laptop and fairly cheap desk top did.  That setup makes it pretty easy to edit start and stop times and some other good features.

  • kewl   . you  know  where  to  find  me  ;-)

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