Soon My Work Will Be All Done

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Old, old Gospel. Abrupt ending. I still need to find a video editing program that is old-fart-easy.

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  • Thank you, Stephen!

  • A good song, a song for all of us.

  • I’m glad to hear it Uncle John! The program has worked well for me, it has a lot of head room to grow into, just one of many things I need to invest more time in.

  • "Thanks Doug Thorsvik ", for that tip on the free Kdenlive Video Editor, I've been looking for a free program with a Vignette Effect for some time now, just downloaded the said App, and Voila, it has one, now have to sit down and learn how to use it :-)

  • Thanks, guys!

  • Bravo UJ!

  • It is still possible to install Moviemaker on Windows 10, but you’ll have search the internet. That is what I did when I gave it a try a few years ago.

  • Thanks, Doug.  I was pretty good at movie maker and now with it gone, need to learn something new.

  • I am using kdenlive (free) as my video editor to break songs out of my Zoom recordings. All I typically do is trim videos, adjust audio levels, and put text on the screen. It is more powerful than my skill set and I found that for me it worked better than applications that come with Windows: Moviemaker and the Photo App Video Editor.

  • Thanks, Alan.  And I appreciate the video editor info.  I think I have that one that you do and should probably try to learn it.

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